Martin Villeneuve is responsible for making an “impossible”
film, Mars et Avril. Villeneuve
claims he did not know it was impossible, which is how he was able to do it. He
had a passion to create films ever since he was young.
Many people
who see the film think that he must have had an extremely high budget when in
fact he did not. So what really made it possible for Villeneuve to create this
film, while on a low budget?
The film
took Villeneuve 7 years to complete. He states, “If you do not have money, you
must have time.” Being as the team did not have a lot of money, every
department had to turn and rely on their creativity. They were able to re work,
and re write certain parts of the film to work around the low budget and still
create a very well put together film. An example of this is that one of the
actors was very popular and very busy, so he was not able to be in the film.
The crew filmed him with 6 angles in a green room, and made his character a
hologram in the film. They had another actor film the parts, and replaced his
face with the original actors face with this effect. Villeneuve is very good at
creating relationships with people, and he often times will create
opportunities for others in return for their work on his films. In doing this,
he was able to involve some of the most talented and respected people to be a
part of his film.
Villeneuve has a “Sharing Knowledge” type narrative pattern, he is effectively able
to inspire people to take problems head on, and use them as allies rather then
enemies. He believes that problems create opportunities to be creative and
productive. Problems help create strong relationships and great outcomes.
Villeneuve shows that it takes a considerable amount of time to produce a high
quality product, and in taking your time you can be more proud of your
Link to Ted Speech
Link to Ted Speech